Thursday, December 28, 2006

press: interview on the Leonard Lopate Show

My first lengthy sound interview.

Being interviewed by Leonard Lopate is a great interview experience. He knows his stuff, asks good questions and provides a generous time slot. Plus he has a nice relaxing voice.

The Scamorama interview (MP3) is posted at WNYC along with other Lopate interviews which reflect wide-ranging interests and an eminent list of acquaintances. It's flattering to be included.

I'm getting an education in how to be interviewed.

Previous interviews: five minutes live on the BBC (Up All Night, run by someone with a lovely voice and the gift of making me feel very intelligent), a few print interviews (some involved much repetition, another felt more like a late-night bull session with a friend), and taped radio interviews, to be cut up and used as needed. All interesting, all different in pace and tone.

I'm grateful for these opportunities.

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